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#whywerun - Ché Murray

Ché has been a big supporter of FRACTEL since it’s launch two months ago. We have come to notice his huge love for the simplicity of running. It’s hard to find a photo of the guy without a huge smile and a surrounding group of runners who admire his leadership and passion. We were keen to hear more so here is a bit about Ché’s story…


"A father, a husband and a runner whenever I get a spare minute! The best thing about running is its flexibility. I go by the simple rule that I get out what I put in, if I love what I do, the results will follow. Honestly though, I’m pretty lazy when it comes to setting and achieving training goals, generally running for the simple pleasure of just being in the ‘now’. Whether it’s the local Parkrun or an Ultra marathon, the joy of being in the moment is something I keep chasing and motivates me to lace up the shoes day after day.   
When it comes to running, I’m grateful for the people I’ve met along the way, the lessons they’ve taught me, the relationships I’ve established and the freedom I feel when running. I’ve often found that running reinvigorates my mind and body and nothing beats lacing up the shoes and heading out the door. It grounds me and keeps me honest, especially when entering events. 
One of the greatest joys I get from running is seeing others set and achieve goals. I've recently been supporting some people at work and started a running group, training every Tuesday on the trails. I must admit, I laugh when they call me 'coach', but get a real kick out of helping others, training together, supporting each other and just being in the moment when we run. To be honest, it's helped me more than I feel it's helped them. This year has been tough, with an injury that has set me back almost 3/4 of the year and unable to enter any events that I had earmarked on the calendar. On a positive note, being out on the trails with others and removing the pressure of training for specific events has allowed me the time to slow down and reflect on my own journey and the goals I want to set and achieve in running, this year and beyond. 
As the name suggests, I love being able to get out when I have a spare minute. With a small family, finding time to train can often be hard. Funnily enough, it's what got me into running in the first place. I was an avid hockey player since I was young, however the commitment to training and games finally took its toll. That's when I turned to running. The flexibility of running means that I can get out early in the morning or late at night without any disruption to the family.  
Some of the events I’ve completed in the past have included numerous Adelaide marathons, Two Bays Ultra Marathon on the Mornington Peninsula, and in 2016, I found myself signing up to the Heyson105 Ultra here in Adelaide. My longest and most challenging event to date. I must admit, I have the urge to do it again one day. Next year I plan on having a real crack at a sub 3hr marathon and possibly entering the Cleland 50, aiming for a top 10 finish. I may have to start taking this training thing seriously though! Proudest moment as a runner?... Parkrun with my kids! No better feeling."


Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself mate. Your words describe so many of the reasons why we started FRACTEL.
#whywerun #infinitepossibilities

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