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Emma Burnet: Anybody has what it takes to become a runner.

Introducing Emma Burnet: Trail runner, Emergency Nurse and Fractel Ambassador. Emma has dedicated 9 years to running, training and building her confidence. Now she feels like she’s finally tapping into her true potential as a trail runner. Here’s her story:

“The past 12 months have been such a transformative journey for me. Years ago as a 16 year old, I dreamt of one day being ready to step up to the stage of Ultra Running and this year that dream has become a reality. I finally qualified and completed my first and dream ultra marathon, The Six Foot Track Marathon in March and only 1 month ago ran the 50km at UTA. I am currently training for the Sydney Ultra Marathon, which is just 7 short weeks away and am ready to tackle the 50km distance for a third time.”

“The thing I love the most about trail running is that it really pushes you to keep on going even if you don’t want to. It teaches you to be comfortable being uncomfortable and to just roll with the punches. I love when I get to that place, when I feel like I can’t go any further, but I keep on going anyway and I tell myself “I can do hard things”. I love the camaraderie of the running community and the feeling of finishing a training run or crossing a finish line knowing you’ve left your absolute heart and soul out on those trails. I am so privileged to be a part of an amazing running community through UpCoaching, which from a young age has laid the groundwork for my development as a runner and in everyday life. I have family, friends and coaches who I look up to, who inspire and motivate me to always try my hardest and be my best self.”

“For me running is an empowering outlet, a therapeutic escape from everyday life. I also work in a busy emergency department as a registered nurse so running really keeps my mental health on track. I always strive to inspire and motivate others to get out there and give it a go, so many people say “I could never run”. Today I am doing things I once thought were impossible for me, and I want people to know that anybody has what it takes to become a runner, no matter what pace, time or distance, they just need to start.”

1 Comment

  • Great stuff Emma, you keep turning up & getting it done!

    Daryll Imray on

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