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Where there's a WILL, there's a way | Will Burnett

Where there's a WILL, there's a way | Will Burnett

Words: Will Burnett
Images: @ifyouseeaidan

My name is William ‘Will’ Burnett. I am a Master Breathwork Practitioner and Ultra Endurance Athlete. I am a father to 4 and 1 on the way, and we are a nomadic family. We live in our caravan traveling around the world.

I served in the military for 12 years and in that time experienced a lot of trauma to my body, both physically and mentally. When I was medically discharged 6 years ago I was told by the Doctors I would never run again and potentially end up in a wheelchair before the age of 35.

Running transmuted the heaviness I was feeling in my body and offered me the chance to experience myself fully. Running creates freedom in my life, it holds no judgment, nor does it expect anything other than my best effort daily. Running longer across harder terrains and climates made more sense than shorter mundane intervals as it gave me more space to push myself physically, mentally and spiritually. Ultra Endurance Running requires a super deep connection with self, a deep understanding of what truly is possible.

I was medically discharged from the military ‘Totally and Permanently Impaired’ this meant I would medically retire at the age of 27. I was prescribed pharmaceutical drugs to manage my stress and anxiety and balance my hormonal levels and when thing’s got too hard - I was to be hospitalized and stabilized until I could return to ‘Normal Life’ again.

I chose alternative medicines and holistic practices to heal my body fully.

I have been successful in this journey and healed medical conditions such as Osteo and Rheumatoid arthritis, PTSD and depression just to name a few.

My mission is to provide Holistic and sustainable health practises to ALL Veterans across the globe to stop Veteran suicide and further injury.

I am super excited about seeing who I become after my successful World Record attempts.

I have no fear of any outcome. I am open to receiving all as an opportunity for growth and clearer goals.

I strongly encourage everyone to support and participate as much as they possibly can. Veteran suicide is on the rise and we have successful clinically supported systems to mitigate further loss. 

If you feel called to this adventure you can contribute to sponsoring Veterans onto the Survive to Thrive Nation program by heading to

100% of contributions go directly to sponsoring veterans onto the program and supporting them and their families.

You can also use the same website to sign up and join me either physically or virtually for any distance you desire. I will be tracked via Strava, which means anyone anywhere in the world can join any leg of the journey whether it's in the comfort of their own gym, home or town OR they can meet me out on the road as I cross this beautiful country.

You can join as an individual or as a team. And when you select your desired distance you and your team can break up the run as you need.LET’S GOOOO Australia let’s make change together!!!

See you on the road!


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